Quarry Nerajec
Most people living in Bela krajina do not know that in the abandoned quarry near Nerajec a lake has formed. This lake was formed by the river Lahinja that has seeped through the rock. Here a unique biotope was formed containing many different animal, insect, and floral species.
Especially attractive are 4 small islands that peek through the surface and are covered in trees and grasses. The lake contains various fish, frogs, and many different species of other water-dwelling animals. The lake is also frequently visited by herons. In the summer water lilies bloom on the water. Near the lake, right from the main road, a small resting area is maintained. There are benches and a table available. Nerajec lake is a great example of how an area can be restored and a unique biome can be created.

Where to discover
Lake Nerajec is located on the main Črnomelj-Vinica road, before the village of Veliki Nerajec. To access the lake when driving to Vinica, before the village there is a sign for Entrance 2 to the regional park Lahinja, right after that, there is another sign for a rest stop. Turn left. About 50 m forward you will see the parking space. To get to the lake continue on foot past the parking space and turn right down the gravel road.