Discover Bela krajina website (i.e. website) was created and is managed by Uroš Novina (owner) in his free time. All data collected is managed by the owner.
Reproducing of this website or portions of it, without the prior consent of the owner, is strictly forbidden.
The contents of the website can change without prior notice.
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This website was created with the help of platform. Some information about your visit is logged into Wix daily logs. Data that is collected when visiting this website are your IP address, date, type of request, the address of the request, the status of the request and your browser identification. We have no influence on this data collection. Your personal information is not collected.
This website uses Google Analytics to track visits and statistics. During your visit, some information that is necessary to track visits and statistics is sent to Google. You can read more about Google Analytics here. Data sent to Google is anonymized and does not contain information that could be used to identify you.