Spring of Krupa
The spring of Krupa is one of the most beautiful springs in Bela krajina. Krupa is a 2.5 km long river. Its source is a karst spring in the village of Krupa below a 30-meter rock wall. The bed has canyon characteristics in some places. At Gradac, the river joins the Lahinja from the left side. Its drop from the source to the outflow is only 6 meters.
The river is protected as a natural monument and has been included in the Natura 2000 ecological network. It is the main feature of the Lebica–Krupa Karst nature trail (Slovene: Kraška učna pot od Lebice do Krupe). In the spring of Krupa, shells of the Congeria jalzici cave shell were found in 1970. It is also home to some cave snails and the olm. Because of the large average flow (about 1000 l/s), Krupa used to power several mills and sawmills. The stone dam at the spring was reconstructed in 1989.

Where to discover
The spring of Krupa river is located below the village of Krupa in the municipality of Semič in Bela krajina.
Just you enter the village there is parking available to visitors on the left. Driving down to the source is discouraged. From parking, the source is about 250 m away or about a 5 min walk. Walk from the parking to the village and turn right before the first house and go down the path.